Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Remember this?

Well, things are beginning to take shape. The past couple of weeks have been busy on several fronts:
  • Gardening (between thunderstorms)
  • Working on the consulting project
  • Entertaining and enjoying company
  • Training for the upcoming half-marathon in Seattle
  • Reading a couple of fun, summer-style books: The Girls from Ames, A Salty Piece of Land
  • Sewing. Lots of it. Between some custom orders and other items, it's been fun to play with fabric and exercise some basic math skills in the design process. Here are a few finished products:
File tote for a mobile office

Laptop sleeve

Cord and charger case for a road warrior

What hasn't been happening? Knitting. Must fix that. But right now, I have three more handbags to complete this week.


  1. These are awesome designs and functionable accessories everyone must have. Terrific sewing and beautiful fabric collection. I am full of envies...wish I can get to my sewing uninterrupted, like I'd with my knitting!

    By the way, we all miss your great presence at KnitUp. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Thanks, Sarah! I look forward to returning soon! I miss seeing everyone.

  3. These are wonderful! What a talent! I always find that my knitting urge drops off in summer. Come a cool fall day, it comes roaring back. I miss you - can you pick a day for an after-work drink and visit?
