Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Remember this?

Well, things are beginning to take shape. The past couple of weeks have been busy on several fronts:
  • Gardening (between thunderstorms)
  • Working on the consulting project
  • Entertaining and enjoying company
  • Training for the upcoming half-marathon in Seattle
  • Reading a couple of fun, summer-style books: The Girls from Ames, A Salty Piece of Land
  • Sewing. Lots of it. Between some custom orders and other items, it's been fun to play with fabric and exercise some basic math skills in the design process. Here are a few finished products:
File tote for a mobile office

Laptop sleeve

Cord and charger case for a road warrior

What hasn't been happening? Knitting. Must fix that. But right now, I have three more handbags to complete this week.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not from around these parts, are you?

Periodically, I'll look out to the front lawn to find Sophie stretching out from her back legs, tail straight, nose down, ears forward and an inquisitive look on her face. It's always fun to check out what new bug, snail or caterpillar she is encountering for the first time.

Today was no exception. It was definitely something new and different:

The neighbors' pet turtle decided to break out and take an off-road trip.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Recipe for exhaustion

  • One three-year-old Westie
  • One six-year-old girl
  • One tennis ball
  • One stuffed squirrel
  • One house with yard
To make:

Mix until blended, allowing to flow in and out of house for two days. Remove six-year-old girl. Check Westie on afternoon of second day. Should look something like this, and remain so for at least one day:

Monday, June 1, 2009

Oops! Someone fell off the blogwagon.

I don't know exactly what happened to the month of May, but here's a brief glimpse:
  • Jimmy Buffett is not past his prime. He still puts on a terrific show.
  • The wind in Montague can bruise your knee, if it happens to shut your car door on it. And it's the reason I don't plan to ever live there again.
  • There's a vibe in Berkeley quite like no other place I've been (unless maybe Cambridge, MA.)
  • It's wonderful to have a friend that you can pick right up with after years of apart-ness.
  • Quaking Aspen are just large weeds. Granted, they're pretty ones, but seriously. I am SO tired of pulling the little shoots, and the battle has only just begun.
  • My sweater's still not done.
  • Bolt is one fantabulous fabric boutique.
Happy June!