I completed my first half marathon on Sunday the 18th. I was one of 21,990 finishers at the P.F. Chang's Rock n Roll Arizona Half Marathon, with a time of 2:49:51. I wasn't competing to place, but to finish, so I was pleased to be able to beat my 3:15 estimated time. I ended up running (jogging) more of the race than I'd planned...probably close to 40% of it, and that put me about in the middle of the females for finish times. I have to say, even though there wasn't anyone to meet me at the finish line, it was exhilarating to cross it and hear hundreds (thousands?) of people I didn't know cheering me on. I found myself a little choked up at the whole experience! You're probably wondering why there wasn't anyone to meet me, right?
They were all running, too! Amanda completed her first full marathon, and Anne Blyth her first half. Philip was running his own marathon by chasing after Blake, one very active 1-year-old!
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